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Where can I check the DNA results online?

Genomic results from genotyped animals are displayed in the Genomic Results report screen, as scrapie results and the inbreeding coefficient . Parentage Results   Select between: Parentage Results / Scrapie Results / Inbreeding Coefficient Results -  when entering the genomic…

How to order genotypes online?

Through the Genomic Ordering screen, you can select different options considering if you are genotyping; lambs at birth, adult animals, or semen (pellet/straw). Ordering DNA tags for animals in your flock: If you have ordered DNA combo tags at birth…

Why and how to record Lamb Vigour?

Lambing season is in full swing and LambPlus breeders are recording lambing information that will contribute to their flock’s genetic evaluations. Recording how quick a lamb is to get up and suckle its mother is very important. Lamb Vigour is…

Weight Verification Pilot Project 2024

As you may know, the National Sheep Breed Improvement Program aims to enhance the genetic merit of sheep breeds through various strategies, including selective breeding. One critical aspect of this program is ensuring accurate data collection, particularly weights, which play…