Weekly Update: 09/03/18

CPT Lambing

CPT lambing has now commenced on 3 out of our 4 CPT flocks. We collect large amounts of data on ewes and lambs at this time, which is carefully inputted to the Sheep Ireland database. As we have mentioned previously pen boards really help us with this recording. This means we can easily track what lambs have been fostered off and ones that are being reared as pets. As soon as lambs are old enough to be tagged their information is added to the live database straight away. This is vital so we can identify any potential recording issues that there may be. As of today, almost 300 lambs have already been added to the database. All the ewes in this program were AI’d by stock rams from pedigree breeders, and their progeny will now be intensely recorded and feed into the Sheep Ireland €uroStars.

Sheep Ireland are now on Snapchat

We are now on Snapchat as well as Facebook and Twitter! This is a great way to keep up to date with what we are up to especially over this busy CPT lambing period. You’ll be able to see first-hand the high intensity CPT lambing period and how we manage to record all of the data.