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Recording Lambing Difficulty

Importance of Recording Lambing Difficulty Accurately recording lambing difficulty is essential when documenting a lambing event. It is vital that difficult lambing events are recorded accurately to prevent farmers making incorrect breeding choices in the future, which could result in…

Features of the Movement Report

The Movement Report provides full clarity of all the movements into/out of the flock (including deaths), making it easy to analyze and review the main reasons why animals are culled or sold from the flock. Sheep Ireland works tirelessly to…

LambPlus Flock Recording Notebook

Apart from the LambPlus App and the Farmer Homepage - online services, breeders can do their data recordings using this printed Flock Notebook. Afterwards, remember that all data must be loaded to your account online. For new LambPlus members or…

How to use the Pregnancy Report

Breeders are scored on completion and timeliness of recording the pregnancy scans in the DQI. This report is very useful in determining the management and nutrition plan of ewes in the latter stages of pregnancy. Recording the number of embryos…

The Data Quality Index (DQI)

The Data Quality Index (DQI) rates flocks based on the quality and quantity of the flock data recorded  in LambPlus programme over the previous year. This index can be used to help LambPlus breeders identify the areas where their data recording needs the most attention…