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New Health Report Available!

Sheep Ireland have launched a new health report that is available for all members of the LambPlus Program. This report is very useful in determining the efficiency of your flock, inform and update you on current level of performance according to health trait. The health report will enable a breeder to emphasize the need for a proactive health plan.

Once you log into your Sheep Ireland account, go to ‘Reports’ then go to ‘ Health Report’ as seen the first image below. Once you are on the health report screen, you can select for:

breed (step 1) –  if a breeder is performance recording a number of breeds this is very useful in looking at a particular breed

lambing season (step 2) – this is useful if a breeder wants to look at a particular lambing season

sex (step 3) – breeders can select male or females in their flock

inspection dates can be applied (step 4) – applying inspections dates allows a breeder to look at a specific time period, eg in a given year (1st Jan – 31st Dec 2018 = all inspections in 2018) or in a given inspection date then the same date can be applied for both inspection date fields (1st Jan – 1st Jan = all inspections done on the 1st January).  All the data is also available to download into excel from your own profile when your at the computer.

The download option is on the top right of the screen, as can be seen in images in step 5. The average lameness, ,mastitis and dag and body condition score is displayed for the time period you have selected. When you initially go to your health report screen, the overall flock average of lameness, mastitis and dag and body condition score will be displayed so it is very important to select the relevant filters for what you want to see.

It is very quick to record all health data via the LambPlus App which is available for download on IOS and android devices.


Please contact Sheep Ireland if assistance is required to access your health report and find what you are looking for, call the Sheep Ireland office on 023 8820451 or email on [email protected].