You are currently viewing Bawnard Ram Lamb featuring in the CPT natural mating team 2020!

Bawnard Ram Lamb featuring in the CPT natural mating team 2020!

IE041437805683A, BAWNARD , D3220044 is a Charollais ram lamb who is featuring in the natural CPT mating team 2020! This Bawnard ram lamb was bred by LambPlus breeder Jim & Frampton Jeffery based in County Cork, with the ram lamb now residing in John Larges CPT flock in County Tipperary. D3220044 is a double 5 star ram who is in the top 1% in his breed on his Replacement Index with an accuracy of 63%. He is also in the top 2% within his breed on his Terminal Index with 5 stars and 62% accuracy. D3220044 has an amazing – 18.7 Days to Slaughter at an accuracy of 72% making him one of the top ram lambs in the country for fast growing lambs. This Bawnard  ram is parentage verified with half of his paternal ancestry being verified to him. His sire RALAHINE ROGUE is a double 5 star sire with an excellent -17.3 Days to Slaughter as well as being in the top 1% on his Replacement index. D3220044  is an excellent addition to the natural CPT mating ram team!

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