OviData – European Innovation Partnership project
OviData aims to increase sheep genetic gain in Ireland through scientific data capture and analysis. This is a 5 year project which is lead by a very experienced, multidisiplinery Operational Group. OviData was formally launched in September 2018. Click here for more information on this exciting project.
This new exciting project began this week with Sheep Ireland’s Technicians out on the first Ovidata flock, which was Peadar Kearney’s flock in Co. Louth, on Thursday 27th September. During this visit, technicians were taking DNA samples in order to genotype animals, using genomics retrieve’s correct parentage from these animals . Phenotypes are also being collected such as lamesness, daginess and incidences of mastitis. Typically instances of mastitis are low at this time of the year, which is why there will be several visits to each of the flocks at various times of the year. Prior to the commencement of Ovidata, on Tuesday 24th September, there was a correlation day for training technicians on the various phenotype’s that will be recording. Correlation training is essential to ensure that all technicians are scoring the animals similarly. This makes for more accurate captured data.
To view full details on Ovidata Project please click here
To keep up to date with Ovidata and its progress on twitter click here
Peadear Kearney was the first flock visited this week and he can be seen below with his sheep