Inbreeding Checker

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Inbreeding occurs when closely related animals are mated.

Using this inbreeding checker will allow you to control the levels of inbreeding within your flock.

How to Select a Ram

You can compare up to 5 rams at a time against all the breeding females in your flock. Farmers can pick any ram within the database, this is extremely useful especially before sourcing any potential sires, when this can be used to check the risk of inbreeding if the sire were to be used in the flock.

To pick a ram simply enter the Animal ID (NSIS or Pedigree ID) or the ram’s name.

The animal will appear in a dropdown menu below, click on the pop down to confirm that this is the correct animal, and then click ‘select ram’.

Follow this process until you have selected all of the relevant rams.


How to search for a particular group of females

The system will display automatically the inbreeding level across the entire group of females in your flock.

By using the search box you can filter your flock, this will allow you to view the inbreeding coefficients for a specific group of females. The search criteria can be changed for different females in your flock as you go along if needed.  You can search by Animal ID, Name, Breed code or Birth Year.

Example if you have more than one breed in your flock you can search by the breed code (in this case TX is short for Texel), followed by the year of birth e.g. 2023.

The results of the inbreeding check will be displayed as the table below:

What do the colours mean?

Green – Low risk (0-3%); Meaning it is safe to mate these animals.

Yellow – Medium risk (3-6%); While it is safe to mate a proportion of these animals, care should be taken as inbreeding levels may rise overtime.

Red – High risk (>6%); Mating these animals should be avoided if at all possible.


How to Save/Download your results

To save these results simply click on the “Download all data option” (top right).

To start again, simply refresh the page.