Ovidata is a European Innovation Partnership project assessing the use of genomic technologies for Irish sheep farmers.
See Eamon Wall, Sheep Ireland, in the video below who visited one of the Ovidata flocks last week, Thursday 4th April. While visiting Ovidata participant, Des Powell’s, Co. Tipperary, farm a variety of data was captured (see below list). Eamon explains why the data being collected on Ovidata farms is so important.
- Lamb weights
- Ewe mature weights
- Health scores – lameness, daginess & Body Condition Scores (BCS)
- Any incidence of mastitis.
- All of these lamb’s have been DNA tested at birth and their parents.
The purpose of the Ovidata project is to increase sheep genetic gain in Ireland through scientific data capture and analysis, by implementing innovative genomic technologies to commercial flock performance recording, thus increasing the productivity and profitability of the sector. Click here to read more on what the objective of the project is, what is involved in the project and the activities carried out along with the expected results and practical recommendations of the project!
Click here to view tweets from OviData.