The Importance of Recording Ewe Lambs as Not Mated

Sheep Ireland receive a volume of queries regarding recording ewe lambs that were not put to the ram. It is very important to account for ewe lambs within a flock as they may be seen to be inactive within the breeding flock, thus effecting the Data Quality Index (DQI). The option of recording ewe lambs as ‘not mated’ will end after the April 30th deadline for breeds where Sheep Ireland host the flock book as the lambing screens will be closed to these breeders. The option will ‘time out’ after the ewe lambs reach a certain age for the rest of the breeders where Sheep Ireland do not host the flock book.

The steps involved in recording ewe lambs as not mated are very simple, see outlined below, breeders must first go to the lambing screen. The option for not mated (ewe lambs only) option is there and must be selected. The blue save button on the bottom left of the screen must be clicked and the green ‘saved!’ icon must be appear.


Sheep Ireland’s David Coen is out on farm in the video below and explains the importance of recording ewe lambs as not mated.