Weekly Update: 13/10/17

CPT AI has begun

The first 296 Central Progeny Test (CPT) ewes of 2017 are currently being artificially inseminated today
(Friday 13th October). There is a further 1,900 ewes remaining to be inseminated over the course of the next 11 days making this a very important couple of weeks in the Sheep Ireland Calendar.

With 29 rams being used across the 2,200 ewes a lot of effort is put in place to ensure that the maximum return is acquired from the subsequent recorded data. Some of the criteria we apply to fulfil this goal is as follows:

  • Each year we source rams from each of the largest LambPlus participating breeds. We also select
    one ram from the previous year for each breed, this means we can genetically link the data collected last year to the data collected this year to get maximum linkage.
  • Each ram is used on at least two flocks with the target of three flocks per ram.
  • Each ram is mated with a similar number of ewes from each breed.
  • Each farm in the CPT receives a similar percentage of each breed.
  • Every farm has at least two rams of the same breed used.

We currently have a detailed plan in place that will accomplish this, however inevitably each year this has to be adapted to accommodate for rams that do not perform as expected on a particular day and we readjust the mating plan as best as possible. To overcome this rams are brought into the ram collection centre in UCD for a period of time prior to AI where they are trained to jump and where their semen quality can be tested. This helps to rule out some of the potential problems that may occur on the day of AI.


Pallaskenry Open Day

Yesterday we attended the Pallaskenry Agricultural College Open Day. This is a full performance recording flock which is a great example for students who attend the college. They have also previously used CPT sires in the for their 100 ewe flock to boost linkage and the accuracy levels of the flock. This year they have bought Euro-stared rams to single sire mate with their ewes.