Weekly Update: 04/03/16
CPT Lambing 2016 The first CPT lambs are beginning to hit the ground now. We are still in the very early stages of lambing with just 40 ewes lambed as…
CPT Lambing 2016 The first CPT lambs are beginning to hit the ground now. We are still in the very early stages of lambing with just 40 ewes lambed as…
LambPlus A text has been circulated to all LambPlus breeders reminding them about the importance of recording any outstanding lambing information and in some cases weights. The sooner lambs are…
Visit to SRUC in Edinburgh This week Sheep Ireland travelled with Teagasc geneticists to the Roslyn Institute in Edinburgh, for a meeting with SRUC and other stakeholders involved in sheep…
OVIGEN Update This week we circulated letters to any 2015 LambPlus breeders yet to be visited for the purposes of OVIGEN. The opportunity for LambPlus ram breeders to get each…
LambPlus Recording Many breeders have now completed their intensive first batch of lambing and are now lambing down the ewes that repeated after AI and/or first service. As the pressure…
Sheep Ireland Board Meeting January 28th 2016 As discussed at previous meetings with breed society representatives we will include a summary of all Sheep Ireland Board Meetings in this update.…
LambPlus Participation 2016 The number of pedigree ram breeders that have signed up to the LambPlus recording programme for the 2016 season has once again increased albeit at a much…
Recording Lambing Data in 2016 Lambing is the most important time of the year from a genetic evaluation point of view. The accuracy of the €uro-Star evaluations is central to…
Happy New Year Happy new year to all readers of this weekly update. We look forward to the next performance recording season with a lot of optimism and hope that…
DNA workshop meeting Tues 15th Dec This week many sheep breed society representatives attended a very informative DNA workshop organised by Teagasc and ICBF/Sheep Ireland. This workshop brought together the…
DNA workshop and breed society meeting Tues Dec 15th Final reminders for the above meetings have been circulated by email today. The DNA workshop will run through all the processes…
LambPlus Sign-up deadline Tues 1st December marked the deadline for signing up to LambPlus for the 2016 season. Sign-up forms had been coming in big numbers for the final few…