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Update your version of the LambPlus app in the App store now!

The LambPlus is constantly being updating to enhance user ability. The majority of the feedback implemented in updated versions of the Lamblus App come directly from breeders using the App on farm. To get logged into the app, simply use the login credentials used to log into your account on the Sheep Ireland website. Ensure that all animals in your flock are created and added to your inventory through your account on the website before using the app to record. If animals are not appearing on the app that you moved into your inventory on the website, simply log out and back into the app to allow the data to be refreshed, all your animals should then appear. The app can be used on any android or IOS smartphone, as well as tablets.

The LambPlus App is available for FREE DOWNLOAD on the App store. This demo will allow non-LambPlus members to trial the app before joining LambPlus. Once the App is downloaded, it will ask for your username and password. Use the username ‘demo’ and the password ‘demo’ to get logged in. Once you are logged in, you can now begin trialing the App on a flock! This demo flock gives breeders a chance to get a taste of how easy recording essential information on their animals is.

Alan Bohan of Sheep Ireland explains the benefits of using the App in a short video below.