Weekly Update: 19/01/18

Uploading Lambing Information

For many early lambing flocks the first cycle is now over and we would encourage you to use this time to transfer your lambing information from the flock notebook to your LambPlus account prior to the second cycle beginning. Over 1100 lambs have already been loaded to the Sheep Ireland database. As stated previously timeliness plays a major role in breeders Data Quality Index (DQI) and so it is very important to get this lambing information loaded within a few weeks of lambs being born.

Board Meeting

The next Sheep Ireland board meeting is due to place next Wednesday 24th January. Any issues that need to be raised should be brought to the attention of your LambPlus representative, contact details can be found here.

LambPlus Breeders 2018

We have now over 700 breeders involved in our LambPlus Programme. Below is a graph of our participation to date, to see a list of these breeders and a breakdown by breed please see here.