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Tagging at Birth: The key to successful performance recording.

As part of the CPT Program all lambs are tagged shortly after birth with an EID Tag and a DNA Tag. The practice of tagging lambs at birth is the only way that allows Sheep Ireland Technicians to accurately performance record the lambs throughout the year.  The process of tagging lambs shortly after birth is quick and does not cause any stress to the lambs. Sheep Ireland Technicians wait until the lamb is approximately 12 hours old before tagging. This ensures that the lamb is dry, has a full stomach and has bonded well with its mother.

With the use of the Sheep Ireland LambPlus App and an EID Reader, lambs can be easily weighed and health inspected at different times throughout the year with ease. With compulsory EID Tagging coming into effect from 1st June, it is a great opportunity for sheep farmers to begin capturing even more data on their flocks, which will assist them in making informed breeding decisions in the future.

To see how simple and easy it is to tag lambs at birth, watch the video below of Eamon Wall, Sheep Ireland, demonstrating how its done.