Finalist for the “Highest Achieving LambPlus Flock 2018”: Mark & Audrey Crowe – Killeen Vendeens (CMK)
The Killeen Vendeen Flock was first established in 1999, and Mark & Audrey have been participating in the LambPlus program since it began in 2009. Mark and Audrey performance record their flock as ‘It’s the only way to really know the best sheep in the flock’
The Crowe’s have achieved a DQI of 86% in 2018, which proves that they are very keen recorders and they record all the data they are supposed to in a timely manner. Mark & Audrey have Muscle and Fat Scanned their lambs every year since joining LambPlus, which generates highly influential data that flows into the evaluations of the flock.
The Crowe’s have often submitted stock rams to be used in the CPT Program and this has helped them improve the rate of genetic gain in their flock. The average accuracy% of Mark & Audrey’s 2018 lambs is 40.3% while the lambs have an average Replacement Index of €1.12 and €0.91 on the Terminal Index.
Influential Sires:
One of the most influential sires that Mark & Audrey have used is Landmark Lopez Ally. A past CPT Sire, Landmark Lopez Ally has really put his stamp on the Crowe’s flock and with 5 stars on both the Replacement & Terminal Index, has really driven the flocks rate of genetic gain. Another ram that has been chosen by Mark & Audrey to use on their ewes is Noggus Rock. Noggus Rock boast impressively good Indexes, while also being sired by a past CPT Sire.